It's a failure of EU liberal elites to recognise the reality of human nature that led them to force mass immigration on western societies. The solution is NOT to demand that we get used to it. That is to store up trouble for the future. It is a form of utopian thinking that led Stalin to try to create the 'New Soviet Man' and Mao to do similar.
Yes, argue against something I didn't say. When have I mentioned the EU or called for increased immigration? I agree with what you just wrote for heaven's sake.
We need to get used to change, whatever it is, because things will change.
We need to deal with what's in our sphere of influence, as individuals and as a nation.
We can influence some change, but not all of it.
We need to temper immigration, but not stop it.
And we need to stop caring what colour people are.
Now either: Argue against those points because they are points.
Or: post an out of context sentence from a post I made in response to some throwaway remark, to make it look like my point is something else, and claim victory.
Up to you.